
My Top 10 Money Insights as a Coach #1 – It’s OK if They “Can’t Afford It”

I like money.

No, screw that…

I LOVE money!

Oooohhh…that feels so dirty to say. Especially in this world of coaching, where we’re all supposed to care so much about people that money doesn’t matter.

We’re supposed to just show up and serve and somehow money will magically float into our life.

Except that it doesn’t actually work that way. Disliking money, or even just not caring about money, will stop it from reaching your bank account.

You can’t create something you don’t care about.

I love money in the same way I love time. I can spend my time and my money doing so many different things. What makes money even better than time is that I can create more of it. Money is like infinite time!

Over the past five years of being a coach, I’ve had a number of insights into how I think and talk about money that have made it easier for me to create what I love (money) while doing what I love (coaching).

Recently I began listing them out for my apprentices and this list quickly turned into ten separate articles.

I am sharing them here in case you too love money and want to make more of it. If so, I hope that thinking and talking about money in these ways will help you like they have helped me.

When I started my coaching business, I thought I needed to find people with the ‘disposable’ income to afford a coach. As I raised my fees, I looked for people who had more money. This didn’t work very well. The more I looked for people with money, the less I was able to connect with them. Essentially I was being a ‘gold digger’. Having my focus on what they could do for me was (rightly) getting in the way of me serving them.

Now that I have clients who invest large amounts of money to coach with me, I can see that at all levels, for most of them it is a STRETCH to do so. The money they invest in coaching with me is not money they just have lying around. It’s not easy for them to make the investment because in their mind, the money was going to be used for other things – like paying the bills, going on holiday, buying a home or going back to university.

You’ve heard the idea that it ‘serves’ people to have to stretch. It’s true, but this is not my point here.

The insight for me was that I don’t need to look for people who have plenty of money – I only need to look for people who are willing to stretch.


  • Am I being a ‘gold digger’?
  • How might I be doing a disservice to people by allowing ‘affordability’ be an obstacle?
  • What would I do differently with people if it were OK that they ‘couldn’t afford it’?


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